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Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

[CF Teaser] Kim Yuna with Big Bang - Shouting Project!

source: taijizero2post taken from: shinhdeplol @ soompihunting by o...
READ MORE - [CF Teaser] Kim Yuna with Big Bang - Shouting Project!

[VIDEO] BIGBANG 99 Secret Hunter with BSX

source: bsssxxxpost taken from: shinhdeplol @ soompihunting by o...
READ MORE - [VIDEO] BIGBANG 99 Secret Hunter with BSX

[VIDEO] MBLAQ + BEAST di Sukira 030510

part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5source: blognavernoy17hunting by o...
READ MORE - [VIDEO] MBLAQ + BEAST di Sukira 030510

[Piku2] SJ - 4th Album [teaser]

sorry sorry, 3ut it is our time Again!!출처 - 베스티즈 게봄 까칠한여자님post taken from: 영누 @ sj-markethunting by o...
READ MORE - [Piku2] SJ - 4th Album [teaser]

[Piku2] ƒ(x) - NU ABO

source:, bestizpost taken from: motoway065, emilyk91 @ soompihunting by o...
READ MORE - [Piku2] ƒ(x) - NU ABO

[Piku2] ƒ(x) for World Cup Promo - K-Swiss

source: bestizpost taken from: emilyk91 @ soompihunting by o...
READ MORE - [Piku2] ƒ(x) for World Cup Promo - K-Swiss

[VIDEO] Yoogeun CF

masih inget anak kecil lucu di SHINee Hello Baby kan? yup, dialah Yoogeun.. dan ini dia iklan terbarunya ^^source: kimkibumSHINeehunting by o...

4th album on 13th May for 13… & E.L.F..

finally the day will come.. yup, Super Junior bakal comeback dengan album keempat mereka tanggal 13 Mei mendatang,,tapi sayang mereka hanya akan bersepuluh dan bukan bertigabelas karena 3 member mereka yaitu Kangin akan mengikuti wajib militer di akhir...
READ MORE - 4th album on 13th May for 13… & E.L.F..

Yg Ngunjungi Ni Blog^^


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