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Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

[request of the day] Piku SHINee pake hanbok

baby keycredits: as tagged, Pop Seoul, randy1997 @, my folder ^^hunting by o...
READ MORE - [request of the day] Piku SHINee pake hanbok

kangin promosi Sorry Sorry di serial Romance Zero

huaaa mustinya bilang 'Sorry'nya sekali ini.. jadi 'Sorry Sorry'tetep ya Kangin oppa.. promosi all d'way he hebisa dilihat dan download di mysoju.comhunting by o...
READ MORE - kangin promosi Sorry Sorry di serial Romance Zero

Fanmade wallpaper Suju Super Show II

credits: kim421@soompi.comhunting by o...
READ MORE - Fanmade wallpaper Suju Super Show II

[Piku2] Suju di World Blood Donors Celebration

suju jadi duta donor darah lage ^^credits: as tagged, sj-market.comhunting by o...
READ MORE - [Piku2] Suju di World Blood Donors Celebration

[VIDEO] kegokilan Hangeng di Star King

i can't stop laughing liat video inihangeng oppa.. kamu.. kamu.. gokil buangettttdari piku kalem ini..jadi segokil ini..shindong juga gokil ^^credits: jas cuzzie @, HanySJ @ youtube.comhunting by o...
READ MORE - [VIDEO] kegokilan Hangeng di Star King

Screensaver (Gifs) Suju di Music Core

credits: mymiracle13 @ soompi.comhunting by o...
READ MORE - Screensaver (Gifs) Suju di Music Core

[Video] Teaser Movie Sophie Revenge

Part 1Part 2Credit : asakndr@YoutubeSearch : Young...
READ MORE - [Video] Teaser Movie Sophie Revenge

[VIDEO] Heechul di Champagne eps 56

gokilll deh di part 4 heechul nyanyi getodan ekspresinya oh no.. he hesayang belom ada english subbednya ^^part 1part 2part 3part 4credits: randomRinnie @ youtube.comhunting by o...
READ MORE - [VIDEO] Heechul di Champagne eps 56

[VIDEO] Suju vs 2PM di Star King

huahaha gokil buangetttt dah..ada english subbnyatapi melayang2 gitu jadi biasanya abis didonlot teksnya ga munculsungmin lebih cepet buat building dari gelas dibanding nichkhuntapiiii wooyoung lebih cepet dibanding shindongkarena stress ya udah mereka...
READ MORE - [VIDEO] Suju vs 2PM di Star King

[fancam] Big Bang shooting iklan hite beer

kasian mereka kepanasan hiks.hikstapiiii tetep gokil ^^credits: TaeisBeBe @ youtube.comhunting by o...
READ MORE - [fancam] Big Bang shooting iklan hite beer

[Piku2] Big Bang shooting iklan Hite Beer again ^^

credits: as tagged, 라멜 and bigbangpop, greenciel /Boosa@bigbangpop, 라멜@DCTOPhunting by o...
READ MORE - [Piku2] Big Bang shooting iklan Hite Beer again ^^

[Piku2] FT Island di Super Star K

credits : Mnet + Honggi's Forum (nunita_lft) @ popcornfor2hunting by o...
READ MORE - [Piku2] FT Island di Super Star K

[Piku2] SHINee di Energy Song

huaaa mian ne gw belom dapet videonyainkigayo baru mulai sekitar jam 4an waktu Koreacredits: bestizreupload: lizann16 @ soompi.comhunting by och@...
READ MORE - [Piku2] SHINee di Energy Song

Screensaver (Gifs) SHINee di Star King + Star Golden Bell

credits: as tagged, shinee-ingthanks to kimchi hana @ for sharing ^^hunting by o...
READ MORE - Screensaver (Gifs) SHINee di Star King + Star Golden Bell

Yg Ngunjungi Ni Blog^^


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